Sunday, June 19, 2011

St. John's Sunday Reminders - June 19

Brunch: Make sure you stop by McPhail Hall after worship service for delicious food and wonderful fellowship. A donation to cover the cost of the food is appreciated. Everyone is welcome!

Uganda Lulwanda Children’s Home: The school has requested individual white glue bottles, glue sticks and children’s scissors (eg: Fiskars). Please deliver to the church office today. Kathie Hartzog will deliver the supplies in July.

St. John’s “Wonder Team” Sandwich Makers, Wednesday, June 22: Help feed Houston’s children by coming to McPhail Hall at 6 pm to help make 300+ sandwiches. The sandwiches are part of a lunch delivered by Kid’s Meals.

Brass Concert, Thursday, June 23: Everyone is invited to come to a free concert in the Sanctuary at 7:30 pm featuring students and professionals sponsored by Allen Barnhill. (New Date: The concert was moved from Wednesday to Thursday!)

Chapelwood Choir Concert, Sunday June 26: St. John’s congregation and friends are welcome to listen to a free performance with guest soloist Mark Swindler in the Sanctuary at 3 pm. The choir is under the direction of Tom Jaber.

Congregational Meeting: The June 26, 2011 congregational meeting to elect an elder to replace Aaron Jacobsen has been cancelled.

Summer Chancel Choir: Be in your seat at 9:55 am every Sunday morning in the choir room and join us as we sing familiar anthems. No evening rehearsals.

Thank You from United Ghanaian Presbyterian Church: On behalf of the entire members of United Ghanaian Presbyterian Church (NCD) and on my own behalf I would like to express my sincere and heartfelt appreciation to you and the entire members of St John’s Presbyterian Church for your love, support, and donations towards our choir day held on May 29. Pastor Ebenezer Boateng

Next Sunday, June 26, the United Ghanaian Presbyterian Church will join us for worship on Multi-Cultural Sunday. We look forward to their participation in the worship service and their excellent choir singing. After the service they will join us for brunch.