Sunday, July 3, 2011

St. John's Calendar Weekly Reminders

Brunch: Make sure you stop by McPhail Hall after worship service for delicious food and wonderful fellowship. A donation to cover the cost of the food is appreciated. Everyone is welcome!

Church Offices Closed: St. John’s will be closed Monday, July 4.

Beacon Newsletter Deadline: Please deliver all Beacon articles for the upcoming July/August newsletter by email,, or bring to Room 208. The last chance to be part of this issue is Sunday, July 10.

Summer Chancel Choir: Be in your seat at 9:55 am every Sunday morning in the choir room and join us as we sing familiar anthems. No evening rehearsals.

"Delicious Peace" organic and fair trade coffee: Coffee is now available inside the entrance to Building 2. Help support the coalition of Christian, Jewish and Muslim coffee growers in Uganda. There is Decaf; Light beans and Drip; Dark Roast and Drip. Place payment in the can provided on the top shelf.

Mustard Seed Project: Blake and Shannon are collecting coupons to enhance their buying power with their seed money and donations for BIM. Hoping this donation of coupons continues, they would like to continue this year round as they learn of free or near free items. The coupons would allow them to help stockpile BIM as often as possible.