Monday, August 22, 2011

St. John's Sunday Reminders, August 21

Brunch: Don’t miss your chance to enjoy St. John’s fellowship and great food in McPhail Hall following worship. Please remember to make a donation to the “kitty.”

Seamen’s Boxes: St. John’s Presbyterian Women are collecting 2012 calendars, toothpaste, deodorant, shaving cream, nail clippers and lip balm for this year’s Seamen’s boxes. Please deliver them to the church office, Building 2.

Called Congregational Meeting, August 28: A brief meeting will be held in the Sanctuary to vote on the replacement for Aaron Jacobsen, class of 2011.

Church Offices Closed: St. John’s will be closed on Monday, September 5, in observance of Labor Day. St. John’s staff wishes all a safe and restful holiday.

Presbyterian Women, Tuesday, September 6: All women are invited whether or not planning to be in a PW circle. There will be a short Association business meeting at 10 am followed by an overview of this year’s Bible study by guest Rev. Rhonda Detenbeck. Luncheon will be served. This year the PW will be using the guide “Confessing the Beatitudes” by Margaret Aymer and will explore the Beatitudes as they might have been heard when Jesus spoke them during the time of the Roman Empire. If interested in joining the study, please contact Joann Natratil.

St. John’s Breakfast Club, Saturday, September 10: Come at 8 am as usual for a good breakfast to get you started on your day. At 8:30 Dr. Paul Stimson will be our speaker, and his topic is “Forensic Dentistry.” Make a note, please, that this is the second Saturday of the month, not the first, because of Labor Day weekend. Please come to have fun and fellowship – friends are always welcome! If you need a ride or have other questions, please call Linda Dobbin at 281-778-5348.

PYF Fall Kick-off, Sunday, September 11: Youth, 6th through 12th grades, are invited to participate in St. John’s Presbyterian Youth Fellowship. The first meeting will be held in McPhail Hall on Sunday, September 11, 5 – 6:30 pm. Friends, relatives and neighbors are welcome! Join us for the 3 F’s: fun, fellowship and food. Please contact Mary Sterner with any questions,

Centering Prayer Resumes, Sunday, September 11: Come and explore this method of silent prayer with Pastor Jon, in his office, beginning at 5 pm.Blood Drive, Sunday, September 11: Share the gift of life! The drive has moved to Building 2, Room 209 (the last room on the right). Plan ahead and make sure you have enough iron in your meals. (Add raisins to your diet!)
