Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Mission News: Uganda Lulwanda Children's Home

The Lulwanda Children's Home is currently home to 110 children between the ages of 3 and 14. This summer Kathie Hartzog and Libby Adams will be part of the Uganda 2013 team, leaving at the end of June.
You can be part of this mission by:
Prayers: Add the Uganda 2013 team to your prayers.
Uganda Children's Homes Buckets of Hope 
Buckets of Hope: Buckets of Hope distributes much needed food and supplies to widows and orphans. 
Backpacks of Promise: The goal is to provide 110 backpacks. A $20 donation will sponsor one backpack, filled with school supplies, a Bible and 10-15 Children's Books to children who walk 3-5 miles to school.
Buckets of Hope and Backpacks of Promise will be delivered by the children of the Lulwanda Children's Home and the Uganda 2013 team to families in the nearby Bulolelo village. The items will be purchased in Uganda for distribution. Checks may be given to the church office.
Visit their web site, http://www.ugandaorphans.org/operations/lulwanda-childrens-home-rescued-loved-changed, to learn more. 


St. John's Breakfast, Saturday May 4

Come to Fellowship Hall for breakfast at 8 am and bring a friend or neighbor! At 8:30 am a special program will be presented on the Chaplaincy and Spirituous Care Service.

Monday, April 29, 2013

Presbyterian Youth Fellowship (PYF) May Schedulde

May Presbyterian Youth Fellowship Schedule

May 5: Ten Plague Relay 
We will take a closer look at Moses’ life and the 10 Egyptian plagues. (5 - 6:30 pm)

May 12: Mother’s Day and Ground-blessing! 
No 5 pm PYF Meeting.

May 19: Senior Graduating Sunday! 
Graduating Seniors will be recognized during the morning’s worship service, with a reception following in McPhail Hall.

May 19: Out of School for the Summer Games! 
We will celebrate the end of the school year and the beginning of summer! This is the last regular PYF of the school year.  (5 - 6:30 pm)

Keep a look out for fun Summer activities! One activity coming in June will be Splash Day at Small Steps Nurturing Center. All youth, grades 6-12, are welcome at Presbyterian Youth Fellowship and remember if you are moving into 6th grade (graduating 5th grade this June) you can attend the PYF summer activities. For more information, contact Mary at mary2d@yahoo.com or 713-723-6262.


St. John's Breakfast - Saturday, May 4

St. John’s Breakfast
— Saturday, May 4
Come to McPhail Hall for breakfast at 8 am, and bring a friend or neighbor! At 8:30 our surprise speaker will begin their program. Please call Linda Dobbin, 281-778-5348, if you need a ride.


New Class Starts May 19

Men of St Johns

 Peter advised us to “always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope you have” (1 Pet 3:15). 

To that end, we are planning to start a men’s study in Christian apologetics to strengthen your faith and give you the tools to argue for the veracity of the Gospel.  We will use the book “I Don’t Have Enough Faith to be an Atheist” as our guide.  The class will start on 19 May and meet at 9 am on Sunday morning.  If you are interested, please let the church office know so we can order the books.

April 28 Sunday Morning Reminders

Unbinding Brunch, Today, after Worship
Everyone Welcome

We have come to the end of the Unbinding Your Heart study groups. This Lenten study has been a powerful experience for some of us and a positive experience for all participants. We have rekindled our prayer lives and renewed spiritual friendships. We sill process what we have learned and where we go from here with the Unbinding Your Heart experience.

Presbyterian Youth Fellowship, Today: All youth, grades 6 – 12 are invited to join PYF for fellowship, food and fun at 5 pm in McPhail Hall. For more information please contact Mary Sterner at mary2d@yahoo.com or 713-723-6262.

Attention Committee Chairs: All committee reports are due in the church office, office.sjpc@gmail.com, by Monday, April 29 by noon. The reports will be included in the May Session Report for the Wednesday, May 1, Session meeting.

St. John’s Breakfast, Saturday, May 4: Everyone is invited to McPhail Hall at 8 am for a yummy breakfast with an 8:30 program about the Chaplaincy Service. Learn about the training program, how to call on people and the Chaplains oath. Please join us.

Flowers: Please sign up for one of the three dates to provide flowers for the Sanctuary, May 26, September 29 and December 1. Please contact the church office, 713-723-6262,
if interested.

Ground-Blessing for Single Parent Family Ministry, May 12:  Together we will celebrate and dedicate the ground for this new ministry after Worship. Please gather at the future site of the Single Parent Family Ministry for this brief service.


St. John's Weekly Schedule: April 28 - May 5

                                    This Week at St. John’s
Sunday,  April 28
  9:00 am  Church School
  9:45 am  Children’
s Choir, Sanctuary
10:00 am  Called Session meeting to receive new members, Session Room
0:30 am  Worship Service
11:45 am  Unbinding Pot Luck Luncheon, McPhail Hall
  5:00 – 6:30 pm  Presbyterian Youth Fellowship (PYF)

Monday, April 29
  9:00 am  Staff Meeting
10:00 am  Bob’s crew
  6:00 pm  Walking Together
  7:00 pm  Bell Choir

Tuesday, April 30
  9:30 am  Presbyterian Women’s Activity Day
  6:30 pm  “Stay Young, Stay Strong”
  7:00 pm  Scout Troop 688

Wednesday, May 1
12:00 pm  Centering Prayer
  6:00 pm  Girl Scout Troop, Scout Room
  7:30 pm  Chancel Choir
  7:30 pm  Session

Thursday, May 2
  8:30 am – 12:30 pm  Community Bible Study, Buildings 1 and 2
  6:30 pm  “Stay Young, Stay Strong” Room 209

Saturday, May 4
  8:00 am  St. John’s Breakfast
  9:00 am  Women’s Bible Small Group
10:00 am – 5:00 pm  Court of Honor, McPhail Hall

Sunday, May 5
  9:00 am  Church School
0:30 am  Worship Service
11:45 am  Children’s Choir, Sanctuary
  5:00 – 6:30 pm  Presbyterian Youth Fellowship (PYF)


Monday, April 22, 2013

Unbinding the Heart Brunch - April 28

We are coming to the end of the Unbinding Your Heart study groups. This Lenten study has been a powerful experience for some of us and a positive experience for all participants. We have rekindled our prayer lives and renewed spiritual friendships. Some good energy and ideas are coming out of this. 

Everyone is invited to a potluck brunch after worship on April 28 to process what we have learned and where we go from here with the Unbinding Your Heart experience. 


Men's Study Class

Coming Soon

A Men’s Study class will begin meeting soon. They will be studying I don’t Have Enough Faith to be an Atheist by Norman L. Geisler and Frank Turek. If you are interested in joining this class, please contact Bill Ehrenstrom at wehrenstrom@sbcglobal.net.


Support Buckets of Hope

Buckets of Hope
Delivering hope to widows & orphans in Uganda 2013 
Mission project at Lulwanda Children’s Home

A brightly colored bucket will be delivered to their homes in the 
village filled with:
Flour, Sugar, Rice, Beans
Mosquito net


Sunday, April 21, 2013

Sunday April 21 Reminders

Presbyterian Youth Fellowship, Today: All youth, grades 6 – 12 are invited to join PYF for fellowship, food and fun at 5 pm in McPhail Hall. For more information please contact Mary Sterner at mary2d@yahoo.com or 713-723-6262.

Presbyterian Women Sunday Bible Circle, Today: All women of St. John’s are invited to the Bible Study, after Worship, in Building 2.

Inquirer’s Class Today: Pastor Jon will teach a Sunday afternoon Inquirer's Class as an orientation for those who are new to the church on Sunday, April 21 from 4-7 pm in the Session Room with a light dinner provided. Those who come may then join the church on Sunday, April 28, during worship.

 April/May Beacon Newsletter Assemblers: Come to Room 205, Tuesday, April 23 to help assemble the April/May newsletter. No experience needed.

Sandwich Makers Needed, Wednesday, April 24: St. John’s Wonder Team meets at 6 pm in McPhail Hall to make sandwiches which become part of a Kid’s Meal home delivered lunch. Please help fight childhood hunger in Houston!

PYF needs Dinner! PYF needs help with dinner (for aprox.10) for their Sunday evening PYF meetings. The available dates are 4/28 and 5/5. PYF meets at 5 pm with dinner usually served at 6 pm. If you are interested in helping or have questions, please contact Mary Sterner at mary2d@yahoo.com or 713-723-6262. 

Unbinding Brunch, April 28 after Worship
Everyone Welcome

We have come to the end of the Unbinding Your Heart study groups. This Lenten study has been a powerful experience for some of us and a positive experience for all participants. We have rekindled our prayer lives and renewed spiritual friendships. Some good energy and ideas are coming out of this. We will have a potluck brunch after worship on April 28 to process what we have learned and where we go from here with the Unbinding Your Heart experience.


Weekly Schedule: April 21 - 27, 2013

This Week at St. John’s
Sunday,  April 21 – Beacon deadline
  9:00 am  Church School
0:30 am  Worship Service
11:45 am  Children’s Choir, Sanctuary
11:45 am  Sunday Circle
  4:00 – 7:00 pm  Inquirer’s Class, Session Room
  5:00 pm  Presbyterian Youth Fellowship

Monday, April 22
  9:00 am  Staff Meeting
10:00 am  Bob’s crew
  6:00 pm  Walking Together
  7:00 pm  Bell Choir

Tuesday, April 23
  9:30 am  Presbyterian Women’s Activity Day
  9:30 am  Beacon Assemblers
  6:30 pm  “Stay Young, Stay Strong”
  7:00 pm  Scout Troop 688

Wednesday, April 24
12:00 pm  Centering Prayer
  6:00 pm  “Wonder Team” Sandwich Makers, McPhail Hall
  6:00 pm  Girl Scout Troop, Scout Room
  7:30 pm  Chancel Choir
  7:30 pm  Property Committee

Thursday, April 25
  8:30 am – 12:30 pm  Community Bible Study, Buildings 1 and 2
  6:30 pm  “Stay Young, Stay Strong” Room 209

Saturday, April 27
  9:00 am  Women’s Bible Small Group

Sunday, April 28
  9:00 am  Church School
0:30 am  Worship Service
11:45 am  Children’s Choir, Sanctuary
11:45  am  Unbinding the Heart Potluck Brunch, McPhail Hall
  5:00 – 6:30 pm  Presbyterian Youth Fellowship (PYF)


Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Ground-blessing for Single Parent Family Ministry after Worship on Mother's Day

On Mother's Day last year the congregation overwhelmingly voted to approve the concept of having a Single Parents Family Ministry with Presbyterian Children's Home and Services (PCHAS) as our partners who would finance and staff the ministry. 

Now, a year later, on Mother's Day, the congregation is invited to a Ground-blessing Ceremony after worship on May 12. Let us celebrate and dedicate the ground for this forthcoming significant new ministry. We will walk over to the ministry site on our campus after worship for a brief liturgy of dedication. Plan to stay after worship on Mother's Day as we prepare our hearts and ask God's blessing on this exciting new ministry.


Lulwanda Children's Home Mission: Science Items Needed

Below is a list of science equipment that has been requested by the science teachers at Lulwanda Children's Home in Uganda. This list of needed items is for the science folks. The Uganda mission team is hoping that some of these items can be found in closets and forgotten cabinets. These donated items will be packed in the luggage and hand delivered at the end of June by the Uganda Mission Team 2013.

Please contact Kathie Hartzog or Libby Adams is you have some questions.

1.       Abacus

2.      Compass needle

3.      Modeling clay

4.      Weather instruments to set up a weather station:  A rain gauge, Anemometer,  Barometer (mercury), Hygrometer, Sun shine recorder, Wind vane, Wind Sock, Six’s thermometer, clinical thermometer. 

5.       Plastic Tangible three dimensional models of animals in air, water and on land.

6.      Retort stand

7.      Burette  

8.      Pipete  

9.      Conical flasks  

10.  Straws

11.  Beam balance

12.  Spring balance

13.  Tape measure

14.  Beakers

15.  Gas Cylinder

16.  Burdizzo Pliers

17.  Milking Can

19.  Trip Cup Lactometer
20.  Top bar hive

22.  Gumboots


Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Buckets of Hope for 2013 Lulwanda Children's Home Mission Trip

Delivering hope to widows & orphans in Uganda

2013 Mission project at Lulwanda
Children’s Home
A brightly colored bucket will be delivered to their homes in the
village filled with:
Flour, Sugar, Rice, Beans
Mosquito net

Your gift is tax deductible.

Please contact Kathie Hargtzog or Libby Adams to learn more.


Sunday, April 14, 2013

Presbyterian Women Program and Luncheon, Tuesday April 16:

All women are invited to McPhail Hall at 9:30 am for a general meeting, a special program presented by Dr. Brad Urquhart, followed by lunch. Friends are welcome

Inquirer's Class - Please join us!


Sunday, April 14 Highlighted Items

Children’s Choir: Please gather in the Sanctuary at 11:45 am for choir practice.

Presbyterian Youth Fellowship, Today: All youth, grades 6 – 12 are invited to join PYF for fellowship, food and fun at 5 pm in McPhail Hall. For more information please contact Mary Sterner at mary2d@yahoo.com or 713-723-6262.

Presbyterian Women Program and Luncheon, Tuesday April 16: All women are invited to McPhail Hall at 9:30 am for a general meeting, a special program presented by Dr. Brad Urquhart, followed by lunch. Friends are welcome.

Book Group, Thursday, April 18: St. John’s Book Group will begin discussing their new book, How God Became King by NT Wright at 7:30 pm. Everyone is welcome.

April/May Beacon Newsletter: Please deliver all Beacon articles for the upcoming church newsletter by email, office.sjpc@gmail.com, or deliver to the church office or Room 208.  The last chance to be part of this issue is April 21 at 12 noon.

Sunday Circle, April 21: All women of St. John’s are invited to the Bible Study, after Worship, in Building 2.

Inquirer’s Class: Pastor Jon will teach a Sunday afternoon Inquirer's Class as an orientation for those who are new to the church on Sunday, April 21 from 4-7 pm in the Session Room with a light dinner provided. Those who come may then join the church on Sunday, April 28, during worship.

PYF needs Dinner! PYF needs help with dinner (for aprox.10) for their Sunday evening PYF meetings. The available dates are 4/28 and 5/5. PYF meets at 5 pm with dinner usually served at 6 pm. If you are interested in helping or have questions, please contact Mary Sterner at mary2d@yahoo.com or 713-723-6262.

Support Michael Bisase as he joins the fight against Cancer. You can support Michael, and his team the Boot Scootin Boobies, on his online page www.relayforlife.org. Please scroll down the page and put in Michael’s or the teams name in The Support a Participant box.
The Relay for life is:
 ● Organized, overnight community fundraising walk
 ● Teams of people camp out around a track
 ● Members of each team take turns walking around the track
 ● Food, games and activities provide entertainment and build camaraderie
 ● Family-friendly environment for the entire community


St. John's Weekly Calendar: April 14 - 21

                                    This Week at St. John’s

Sunday,  April 14
  9:00 am  Church School
0:30 am  Worship Service
11:45 am  Children’s Choir, Sanctuary
  5:00 pm  Presbyterian Youth Fellowship

Monday, April 15
  9:00 am  Staff Meeting
10:00 am  Bob’s crew
  6:00 pm  Walking Together
  7:00 pm  Bell Choir

Tuesday, April 16
  9:30 am  Presbyterian Women’s Program and Luncheon, McPhail Hall
  6:30 pm  “Stay Young, Stay Strong”
  7:00 pm  Scout Troop 688

Wednesday, April 17
12:00 pm  Centering Prayer
  6:00 pm  Girl Scout Troop, Scout Room
  7:30 pm  Chancel Choir

Thursday, April 18
  8:30 am – 12:30 pm  Community Bible Study, Buildings 1 and 2
  6:30 pm  “Stay Young, Stay Strong” Room 209
  7:30 pm  St. John’s Book Group
  7:30 pm  Christian Education Meeting

Saturday, April 20
  9:00 am  Women’s Bible Small Group

Sunday, April 21 –  Beacon deadline
  9:00 am  Church School
0:30 am  Worship Service
11:45 am  Children’s Choir, Sanctuary
11:45 am  Sunday Circle
12:00 pm  Beacon deadline
  4:00 pm  Inquirer’s Class
  5:00 – 6:30 pm  Presbyterian Youth Fellowship (PYF)


Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Deadline: Church Newsletter, April 21

Please deliver all Beacon articles for the upcoming church newsletter by email, office.sjpc@gmail.com, or deliver to the church office or room 208.  The last chance to be part of this issue is April 21 at 12 noon.

Monday, April 8, 2013

Support Michael Bisase in his Walk to Help Fight Cancer

Support Michael Bisase and help in the fight against Cancer. Michael, and his team the “Boot Scootin Boobies” will walk Friday April 26. You can support Michael through his online page. Visit www.relayforlife.org, scroll down the page and put in Michael’s or the teams name in The Support a Participant box.

The Relay for life is:
●Organized, overnight community fundraising walk
●Teams of people camp out around a track
●Members of each team take turns walking around the track
●Food, games and activities provide entertainment and build camaraderie
●Family-friendly environment for the entire community

Sunday, April 7, 2013

April 7 Sunday Highlight Reminders

Children’s Choir: Please gather in the Sanctuary at 11:45 am for choir practice.

Presbyterian Youth Fellowship, Today: All youth, grades 6 – 12 are invited to join PYF for fellowship, food and fun at 5 pm in McPhail Hall. Today’s topic, What Difference Does it Make?” We will take a closer look at what difference does it make that I’m a Christian. For more information please contact Mary Sterner at mary2d@yahoo.com or 713-723-6262.

April/May Beacon Newsletter: Please deliver all Beacon articles for the upcoming church newsletter by email, office.sjpc@gmail.com, or deliver to the church office or room 208.  The last chance to be part of this issue is April 21 at 12 noon.

Book Group, Thursday, April 18: St. John’s Book Group will begin discussing their new book, How God Became King by NT Wright at 7:30 pm. Everyone is welcome.

Braes Interfaith Ministries: BIM is in need of gently-used clothing for the Resale and Consignment Store (10319 S. Post Oak Rd. @ W. Bellfort). They especially need men’s and children’s clothes. Please take your donation to the store or place in the Recycle Room in McPhail Hall.

Inquirer’s Class: Pastor Jon will teach a Sunday afternoon Inquirer's Class as an orientation for those who are new to the church on Sunday, April 21 from 4-7 pm in the Session Room with a light dinner provided. Those who come may then join the church on Sunday, April 28, during worship.


April 7 Weekly Schedule

This Week at St. John’s

Sunday,  April 7
  9:00 am  Church School
0:30 am  Worship Service
11:45 am  Children’s Choir, Sanctuary
12:00 pm  Unbinding the Heart Lent Study
  5:00 pm  Presbyterian Youth Fellowship
Monday, April 8
  9:00 am  Staff Meeting
10:00 am  Bob’s crew
  6:00 pm  Walking Together
  7:00 pm  Bell Choir
  7:30 pm  Worship Committee
Tuesday, April 9
  9:30 am  Presbyterian Women’s Activity Day
  6:30 pm  “Stay Young, Stay Strong”
  7:00 pm  Scout Troop 688
Wednesday, April 10
12:00 pm  Centering Prayer
  6:00 pm  Girl Scout Troop, Scout Room
  6:00 pm  “Wonder Team” Sandwich Making
  6:30 pm  Caring/Fellowship Meeting
  7:30 pm  Chancel Choir
Thursday, April 11
  8:30 am – 12:30 pm  Community Bible Study, Buildings 1 and 2
  6:30 pm  “Stay Young, Stay Strong” Room 209
Friday, April 12
  7:00 pm  Boy Scout Award Program, McPhail Hall
Saturday, April 13
  8:30 am – 4:00 pm  Boy Scout Service Project for St. John’s
9:00 am  Women’s Bible Small Group
Sunday, April 14 
  9:00 am  Church School
0:30 am  Worship Service
11:45 am  Children’s Choir, Sanctuary
  5:00 – 6:30 pm  Presbyterian Youth Fellowship (PYF)


Thursday, April 4, 2013

Celebrations and Concerns

  • We rejoice with Mary Herlitz in the birth of her granddaughter, Glenda Isabella Herlitz with grandma.She is beautiful. At 1:00am on Good Friday at Texas Children's Pavilion for Women.
  • We mourn with Rebecca Amador Hughes the death of her Aunt Tia who was like a mother to her and who died in Kingsville, Texas last week.


St. John's Epistle for April 4, 2013

Dear Easter colored Christians,

Last week was a great one at St. John's. It started with a Palm Exchange with Salem Lutheran and Westbury Methodist in our Fellowship Hall on Palm Sunday. That was a terrific way to start holy week! Then we had a powerful Maundy Thursday service in which Allen Barnhill brought several trombonists from Rice University to play for the service. Good Friday was a touching service at Salem Lutheran. Easter Sunday the youth did a good job leading the Sunrise Service and the 10:30 am Easter Service was a sweet service. Blessings abounded for all who participated.

We are coming to the end of the Unbinding Your Heart study groups. This Lenten study has been a powerful experience for some of us and a positive experience for all participants. We have rekindled our prayer lives and renewed spiritual friendships. Some good energy and ideas are coming out of this. We will have an evaluation in the bulletin insert on April 21 and have a brunch after worship on April 28 to process what we have learned and where we go from here with the Unbinding Your Heart experience.

Be on the lookouts soon for an enhanced design for St. John's Epistle. Pam is working on  bringing the look up to date and adding worship leaders and birthdays and more in each weekly Epistle. Let us know what you think as we make this upgrade in the weeks to come. It will still come to you in the form of a weekly email.

Curtis is in ICU this week at St Luke's and Kay is in Southwest Memorial. Keep them in prayer this week as well as all who need healing in whatever form. Let us continue to be a congregation where HEALING HAPPENS HERE.

Your Easter colored pastor,

P.S. As you may see below, we have a very generous church. Already several people have responded to Mr Bob's Wishlist. 

-Session Room Improvements

   *Ceiling mounted video projector ($350) / WISH GRANTED (Thank you anonymous donor!)

   *Pull down projector screen ($150) / WISH GRANTED (Thank you anonymous donor!)

   *Speaker system for video projector ($85) / WISH GRANTED (Thank you anonymous donor!)

-Directional signage for campus for different buildings and specific locations (Office, kitchen, McPhail restrooms, parking, etc. $2,000)

-Landscaping and planting around the A/C by Education Building on West Bellfort($700) - / WISH GRANTED (Thank you anonymous donor!)

-Courtyard benches ($400 each) / WISH GRANTED FOR ONE BENCH (Thank you anonymous donor!) 


Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Mr. Bob's Wishlist

-Session Room Improvements:

   *Ceiling mounted video projector ($350) / WISH GRANTED (Thank you anonymous donor!)

   *Pull down projector screen ($150) / WISH GRANTED (Thank you anonymous donor!)

   *Speaker system for video projector ($85) / WISH GRANTED (Thank you anonymous donor!)

-Directional signage for campus for different buildings and specific locations (Office, kitchen, McPhail restrooms, parking, etc. $2,000)

-Landscaping and planting around the A/C by Education Building on West Bellfort ($700) - / WISH GRANTED (Thank you anonymous donor!)

-Courtyard benches ($400 each) / WISH GRANTED FOR ONE BENCH (Thank you anonymous donor!)
