Monday, May 18, 2009
Sunday Weekly Reminders, May 17
Beacon Assemblers Needed: the newsletter will be assembled Tuesday, May 19, at 12:30 in Room 203. No experience is necessary – on job training provided.
Alarm Test: There will be an alarm test in Buildings l and 2 at 9:15 am (during the Sunday School hour) on Sunday, May 24, 2009. Do not react just be aware!
Memorial Day Schedule: St. John’s office and campus will be closed on Monday, May 25, in honor of Memorial Day.
Presbyterian Women, Tuesday, May 19: All are invited to attend the meeting at 9:30 am for the installation of 2010 officers. The honorarium will also be awarded. Luncheon will follow.
St. John’s Session Meeting, May 21: Please gather in Room 205 at 7:30 pm.
Blood Drive, June 7: Please come and share the gift of life in Building One, 8 am – 12:30 pm. Make sure you get some iron in your diet.
St. John’s Breakfast, Saturday June 6: Bring your favorite breakfast for sharing at 8 am and stay to hear Kathy Roth, a Rehabilitation Clinician with MHMR, who will speak at 8:30 am.
Name Tag Sunday, June 7: Please stop by the table under the walkway and fill out a name tag to wear during worship and the first brunch. Name tags have the power to “introduce” you to someone you don’t know.
Summer Brunches: St. John’s summer tradition begins on June 7 with the Congregational Life/Fellowship Ministry Team serving brunch in McPhail Hall following worship. Everyone is invited to enjoy this wonderful time of fellowship. Come and meet your fellow St. Johners person to person.
Scholarship Application Deadline, June 15: The Myrtis McPhail Scholarship Fund provides a scholarship grant to any active St. John’s member to be used for undergraduate study and/or a technical or trade school. Applications can be picked up in the church office.
Flower Dates Available: St. John’s has l empty flower date on the calendar: November 8. Please contact the church office if you are interested in signing up for this time.
Alarm Test: There will be an alarm test in Buildings l and 2 at 9:15 am (during the Sunday School hour) on Sunday, May 24, 2009. Do not react just be aware!
Memorial Day Schedule: St. John’s office and campus will be closed on Monday, May 25, in honor of Memorial Day.
Presbyterian Women, Tuesday, May 19: All are invited to attend the meeting at 9:30 am for the installation of 2010 officers. The honorarium will also be awarded. Luncheon will follow.
St. John’s Session Meeting, May 21: Please gather in Room 205 at 7:30 pm.
Blood Drive, June 7: Please come and share the gift of life in Building One, 8 am – 12:30 pm. Make sure you get some iron in your diet.
St. John’s Breakfast, Saturday June 6: Bring your favorite breakfast for sharing at 8 am and stay to hear Kathy Roth, a Rehabilitation Clinician with MHMR, who will speak at 8:30 am.
Name Tag Sunday, June 7: Please stop by the table under the walkway and fill out a name tag to wear during worship and the first brunch. Name tags have the power to “introduce” you to someone you don’t know.
Summer Brunches: St. John’s summer tradition begins on June 7 with the Congregational Life/Fellowship Ministry Team serving brunch in McPhail Hall following worship. Everyone is invited to enjoy this wonderful time of fellowship. Come and meet your fellow St. Johners person to person.
Scholarship Application Deadline, June 15: The Myrtis McPhail Scholarship Fund provides a scholarship grant to any active St. John’s member to be used for undergraduate study and/or a technical or trade school. Applications can be picked up in the church office.
Flower Dates Available: St. John’s has l empty flower date on the calendar: November 8. Please contact the church office if you are interested in signing up for this time.