Sunday, January 12, 2014

Souper Bowl of Caring - Sunday, February 2

St. John’s youth invite everyone to participate in the Souper Bowl of Caring, a youth-led movement to fight hunger and poverty.

The Souper Bowl of Caring was created from a single prayer: “Lord, even as we enjoy the Super Bowl football game, help us to be mindful of those who are without a bowl of soup to eat.” The Rev. Brad Smith spoke these words as a seminary intern at Spring Valley Presbyterian Church, Columbia, South Carolina in 1990. In 1990, 22 churches participated and collected $5,700 for local food relief agencies. In 2013, 8,163 groups participated and collected $7,510,081. St. John’s was one of those groups!
St. John’s vision is that each person attending church on Souper Bowl Sunday will contribute $1.00, but larger gifts will be accepted. In addition to taking a collection, the youth will be serving homemade soups made by St. John’s members in McPhail Hall.  
All proceeds from the collection and the soup donations will be directed to Braes Interfaith Ministries (BIM).

If you are interested in learning more or have any questions, please contact Mary Sterner at
