Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Help Beautify the Sanctuary — Order a Poinsettia
St. Johners have an opportunity to remember a loved one, honor an individual or recognize an occasion by purchasing a poinsettia to be placed in the Sanctuary. The poinsettias, ordered from Brookwood Community Center, can be purchased for $10.00. Please sign up on the board in the narthex or place a check marked “Poinsettia” in the offering plate. Your purchase not only helps beautify the church for Christmas, but also helps provide scholarships and enhance educational programs for the men and women of Brookwood.
St. Johners have an opportunity to remember a loved one, honor an individual or recognize an occasion by purchasing a poinsettia to be placed in the Sanctuary. The poinsettias, ordered from Brookwood Community Center, can be purchased for $10.00. Please sign up on the board in the narthex or place a check marked “Poinsettia” in the offering plate. Your purchase not only helps beautify the church for Christmas, but also helps provide scholarships and enhance educational programs for the men and women of Brookwood.