Monday, November 22, 2010

St. John's Weekly Reminders, November 21

If you need a pledge card for 2011, cards can be found on the table in the Narthex.

Hanging of the Greens, November 28: St. John’s will celebrate the First Sunday of Advent with the Hanging of the Greens during the morning worship service. Don’t miss this traditional beginning of the holiday season.

Advent Family Festival, December 5, 5 pm:
Members and friends of all ages are invited to celebrate Advent. Activities will include Advent wreaths, arts and crafts, decorated bags for Meals on Wheels, and a Christmas sing-a-long. Soup will be served for dinner.

St. John’s Worship Committee has purchased poinsettias from the Brookwood Community Center which will be used to beautify the Sanctuary. The sign-up board to purchase a poinsettia ($10 each) will soon be found in the Narthex.

Session Highlights, November 17
-- Celebrated our successful hosting of the presbytery meeting last Saturday and commended all who contributed to this effort.
-- Prayed for many church leaders and members who are ill and recovering from or anticipating surgery.
-- Prayed for Steven Leach as he anticipates a service of ordination to the Ministry of the Word and Sacrament at First Presbyterian Church, San Antonio, December 19.
-- Set the church calendar for January including Ordination and Installation of Elders during the worship on January 16 and the All Committee Day on January 22 at 8:30 am in Fellowship Hall.
-- Heard an update on our Stewardship Campaign and expressed thanks for the 77 pledging units who have pledged $323,316 as of November 17.