Tuesday, November 16, 2010

St. John's Weekly Reminders

The Session has called a Congregational Meeting today to receive a report from the Nominating Committee. The 2013 nominees are listed on a separate insert.

PYF Sunday November 14 5-6:30 pm: Join us as we make holiday ornaments to sell at the Holiday Gift Market. All proceeds will support upcoming Youth Group Mission trips. For questions about PYF, please call or email Mary Sterner (7l3)723-6262 or mary 2d@yahoo.com.

Presbyterian Women Program and Luncheon, Tuesday, November 16:
Please gather at 9:30 am for carpooling to the Ronald McDonald House. The meeting and luncheon will follow in McPhail Hall.

Beacon Newsletter:
The November/December 2010 issue will be assembled on Tuesday, November 16, 12:30 pm in Room 203. All volunteers are welcome.

November 21 Holiday Calendar Events: St. John’s is celebrating three important events on this one day. The day will start with the celebration of Harvest Sunday during the morning services, followed by the Holiday Gift Market in McPhail Hall, and a special community Thanksgiving service at Congregation Beth Israel at 4 pm. Please see the inserts for more information.

Chef’s Needed, November 21: Volunteers are needed to make soup for the Holiday Gift Market. If you are interested, please contact Betty Robinson.

Pledge Cards: If you need a pledge card for 2011, cards can be found on the table in the Narthex.

Hanging of the Greens, November 28: St. John’s will celebrate the First Sunday of Advent with the Hanging of the Greens during the morning worship service. Don’t miss this traditional beginning of the holiday season.

Advent Family Festival, December 5, 5 pm: Members and friends of all ages are invited to celebrate Advent. Activities will include Advent wreaths, arts and crafts, decoration of bags for Meals on Wheels, and a Christmas sing-a-long. Soup will be served for dinner.

Poinsettias: St. John’s Worship Committee has purchased poinsettias from the Brookwood Community Center which will be used to beautify the Sanctuary. The sign-up board to purchase a poinsettia ($10 each) will soon be found in the Narthex.