Sunday, March 22, 2009

Easter Lilies

Purchase a Easter lily to beautify the sanctuary on Easter Sunday, then enjoy it at home after the service. Only a limited quantity of Easter lilies are available, so don’t delay! This year the Worship Ministry Team is ordering lilies from the Brookwood Community. To purchase your lily sign up on the poster in the Narthex, placing your check (made out to St. John’s with ‘lilies’ written on the memo line) in the envelope on the bottom of the poster. The lilies cost $10 each. You may also place your check in the offering plate Sunday mornings. You can pick up your plant after the service on Easter.

The Easter Lily, also known by its Latin name Lilium longiflorum, has become the traditional Easter flower. According to Biblical scholars, the Easter Lily was found growing in the Garden of Gethsemane where Judas is said to have betrayed Jesus. Legend tells that white lilies miraculously sprung up from the ground where drops of Jesus’ sweat and tears fell during his last hours.