Monday, March 16, 2009

Justice for Children Dinners: April 19, April 26, May 3

What: A series of discussions with prominent child advocates in the areas of education, health care, child welfare, and juvenile justice.

When: Sundays April 19, April 26, and May 3, from 5:30-7:30 pm.
Where: McPhail Hall, St. John’s.

Who: Any one interested in the state of Houston’s children and in ways to serve the most vulnerable among us. Bring a friend!

More: We’ll continue the conversation over a light supper following the presentations.

Featured guest speakers include Dr. Robert Sanborn, President and CEO of Children at Risk; Barbara Best, Chairman of the Texas Chapter of the Children's Defense Fund; Evan Harrel, Executive Director of Small Steps Nurturing Center; plus other prominent spokespersons from the areas of child advocacy, child health, education and juvenile justice.

Further information is available on the St. John's web site: . Questions? Contact Suzette Harrel, Chair of the Outreach Ministry Team (713-666-6218 or or the church office at 713-723-6262. These programs are in support of the PCUSA Decade of the Child, see:, and are part of a year-long focus on seeking justice for children at St. John’s.