Tuesday, March 10, 2009

New Special Education Advocacy Ministry Launched!

Led by St. John’s members Ann Hardy and Suzette Harrel, a new ministry has been formed to serve low-income children and families in need of special education services. Beginning with a pilot group of students from Small Steps Nurturing Center who have been identified as having special education needs, this new ministry will assist families in navigating the next steps in the special education journey. The special education process can be complicated and confusing. Being partnered with an advocate to assist, equip and support a family through the process can dramatically increase a child’s chances of receiving the individual educational services she needs.

Mark your calendars for “An Introduction to Special Education Advocacy,” an information session to be offered on Saturday, April 25 from 10:00 am – 11:30 am at St. John’s, and repeated again on Wednesday, May 6 from 10:00 am- 11:30 am, also at St. John’s. For more information about becoming a volunteer advocate or about other opportunities to help in this new ministry, contact Suzette Harrel at 713-501-4703; suzharrel@comcast.net, or Ann Hardy at 713-723-6266; hardy-johnandann@hotmail.com. No experience is necessary. However, we do have a particular need for Spanish speakers and for people with experience in the special education process.