This Sunday is Palm/Passion Sunday – the beginning of Holy
Week!! We have a tremendous service lined up for this Sunday with the
choir singing and handbells playing. We also have several young people
who will be confirmed and a couple of them will be baptized. The
children will wave the palm branches at the beginning of the service
and we will all recite the "Solemn Reproaches of the Cross" near the
end of the service. After the service you are invited to a reception
in the Fellowship Hall in honor of our confirmands.
Our Session met last night and here are the highlights from Mary
Herlitz, our Clerk to Session:
Jenny Glover will be our elected Commissioner to the Called
Presbytery Meeting on April 6 to approve the Unification Plan between
St. Philip Presbyterian Church and Central Presbyterian Church.
St. John's will participate in the Interfaith Ministries
of Greater Houston's Congregation to Congregation Project (C2C).
The Session approved the request from St. John's Special
Education Ministry's request to apply for a grant from the Lynn
Johnson Social Justice Fund.
There is a need for someone to update the St. John's web
site. See Brad Urquhart if interested.
Léonie Tchoconté is back from her mission trip to Haiti and Kathie
Hartzog has returned from her mission trip to Uganda. We look forward
to hearing more about their trips soon.
Hear is our Holy Week schedule: March 28, Passion/Palm Sunday,
Confirmation Sunday and Easter Egg Hunt at 5 pm, April 1, Maundy
Thursday Service at 7 pm, April 2, Good Friday Tre Ore service at
Salem Lutheran, 12 noon – 3 pm, April 4, Easter sunrise service at 7
am and worship service at 10:30 am.
Purchase your Easter lilies from Brookwood Community by signing up on
the order form in the Narthex. The lilies can be taken home after the
Easter morning 10:30 service. The lilies cost $10.00 each.
The Easter Egg Hunt is this Sunday at 5:00 pm at the church. Children,
bring your baskets.
The church picnic last Saturday was cold and wet but fun. We had a
good time playing games and sharing food and fellowship under a small
pavilion as the cold rain came down outside.
I hope to see you at the Palm/Passion Sunday service this Sunday. Then
make plans to attend the Maundy Thursday service at 7 pm next week.
This is an exciting time of the church year as we enter into Holy Week
this Sunday. I pray that this will be a time of spiritual renewal for
the congregation.
I would love to hear from you via email, phone call or personal
contact. Let me know how things are going with your spiritual life and
any ideas you may have as to how we can better fulfill our mission of
glorifying God by making disciples and meeting human needs.
Peace of Christ be with you,
Pastor Jon
St. John's Presbyterian Church
5020 West Bellfort / Houston, TX 77035
T. 713.723.6262 / F. 713.723-4015 / Email:
Worship Service: Sunday, 10:30 am / Sunday School: 9:00 am
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