Monday, March 29, 2010

St. John's Weekly Reminder, March 28

Blood Drive April 4: St. John’s is on probation! Please come to Building II 8 am – 12:30 pm, and donate blood to help keep the drives coming here. Make a difference and help save lives!

March Holly Hall Church Drive for Operating Funds: Holly Hall depends on the generosity of others to help cover the cost of care for those residents who can no longer afford it. March is the month St. John’s reaches out a helping hand to Holly Hall. Please make your check payable to Holly Hall Church Drive.

On-going Spanish/English Conversation Opportunity: Every Thursday, 1-2 pm,
Come to Small Steps Nurturing Center (2902 Jensen Drive) to learn some Spanish
while helping others learn English. Contact Suzette Harrel for information.

Sundays 5:30 pm Evening Series: Whatever Happened to Childhood? Guest speakers will explore issues related to children, April 18 Is Your Child Being Commercialized?, April 25 Is Your Child More Than a Statistic? and May 2 Is the “Environment” Harming your Child? Don’t miss these special events.

Pennies for Peace- April 4: Bring your pennies (or any change) the first Sunday of the month. We’ll collect them in the Narthex after church. Help build schools in Afghanistan and Pakistan that welcome girl students.

Session News from March 24 meeting.
-Jenny Glover will be our elected Commissioner to the Called Presbytery Meeting on April 6 to approve the Unification Plan between St. Philip Presbyterian Church and Central Presbyterian Church.
-St. John’s will participate in the Interfaith Ministries of Greater Houston’s Congregation to Congregation Project (C2C).
-The Session approved the request from St. John’s Special Education Ministry’s request to apply for a grant from the Lynn Johnson Social Justice Fund.
-There is a need for someone to update the St. John’s web site. See Brad Urquhart if you are interested.