The March Session Meeting had 14 of 16 elected elders present. The Manual of Operations is being updated, so there was a lively discussion about changes and an updated version will be approved at the next meeting.
The session approved two motions from the Outreach Committee, one for the participation in Interfaith Ministries of Greater Houston’s Congregation to Congregation Project and the other the request from St. John’s Special Education Ministry to apply for a Lynn Johnson Social Justice Fund Grant.
Session also approved the summer vacation for the pastor (July 5 through August 1, 2010).
The need for someone to keep our website updated was also mentioned. Brad Urquhart is the person leading the search.
The good news was announced that Sean Coughlin will be refurbishing the Nancy Flowers Cross as his Eagle Project.
Jenny Glover was elected Commissioner to the called Presbytery meeting on April 6.
Kathleen Captain was congratulated on getting St. John’s name in the Belief section of the Houston Chronicle newspaper.
In a called meeting of the Session on Palm/Passion Sunday, the Session examined and welcomed the members of the Confirmation class into full membership in St. John’s Presbyterian Church.
—Mary Herlitz, Clerk to Session