We had a memorable Holy Week at St. John's last week and it culminated
in the Easter Sunday worship service. The Maundy Thursday is always
one of my favorites with the somber tone and the dimming of the lights
and stripping of the church. I also enjoyed the Good Friday service at
Salem Lutheran and appreciate the dozen or so St. Johner's who
attended that ecumenical service.
Easter Sunday was a great day. We had 47 at the 7 am service and 172
at the 10:30 am service. The early service was ably led by our youth
and their leaders. A drizzling rain kept us inside in Fellowship Hall
for the service for the second consecutive year. Even so, the rain
could not dim the spirits of the young folks who led the service or
the Holy Spirit who met us there. The 10:30 am service was filled with
good music and a celebration of the Lord's Supper. As usual, there
were many children present. It is great to have so many children and
youth involved in the congregation. It gives those of us older members
a venue for our years of accumulated wisdom and adds a joyful note to
every occasion.
We now begin an Easter Season that is full of hope and new life. We
look forward with great anticipation to our upcoming Sunday Speaker
Series which will be held in Fellowship Hall at 5:30 pm on these days:
April 18: Is your child being commercialized? April 25: Is your child
more than a statistic? May 2 :Is the "environment" sharing your child?
A light dinner and refreshments will be served. Come and bring a
friend or two. These programs are open to the community and we hope to
have some people we've never met show up and thus be introduced to our
church family. Keep this in prayer and in mind as you consider whom
you may invite.
I've been thinking about human slavery this week. Professor Kevin
Bales says the average price to purchase a human being today around
the world is about $90. In the US, human slaves cost between $3,000 to
$5,000 but there are places in India or Nepal where human beings can
be acquired for $5 or $10. Please come hear Maria Trujillo, director
of Houston Rescue and Restore Coalition, an organization dedicated to
confronting modern-day slavery. You'll find her at the Presbyterian
Women's Program, Tuesday, April 20, 9:30 am. Plan to stay for the
Last night my wife and I spent a charming evening at the Caring Dinner
at Braeburn Country Club. Léonie Tchoconté was the honoree this year
and of course she had no clue she would be chosen which made it even
more dear to all. Léonie is an evangelist, missionary, nurse and a Joy
Dancer! Bless her!!
This Sunday our church staff will be recognized during worship and
honored with a small reception in Fellowship Hall after worship. Your
presence would be most welcome for these proceedings.
Next week I will be at Camp Cho-Yeh for the annual clergy retreat so I
will miss the committee meetings next week. However, I will not miss a
Sunday before or after it and I hope you won't either.
This Sunday I will be preaching about the disciple called Doubting
Thomas as described in John 20:19-31. I think doubt is central to a
growing faith. In a sense, doubt serves as the fertilizer of faith. My
experience has been whenever I have doubts about God or Jesus or the
Bible they may lead to a period of disorientation but I always come
out on the other end with a stronger, surer faith. So I have come to
see doubt as a necessary part of faith. I wonder how you experience or
understand doubt? How does Christ respond to our doubts? Our text for
this Sunday suggests Jesus meets us wherever we are in our faith
journey and invites us to come as close to him as we dare.
Peace of Christ be with you,
Pastor Jon
St. John's Presbyterian Church
5020 West Bellfort / Houston, TX 77035
T. 713.723.6262 / F. 713.723-4015 / Email: office.sjpc@gmail.com
Worship Service: Sunday, 10:30 am / Sunday School: 9:00 am
Subscription settings: http://groups.google.com/group/st-johns-presbyterian-church/subscribe?hl=en