Tuesday, April 27, 2010

St. John's Weekly Reminders, April 25

We Welcome into membership Pat Ragan, who joined St. John’s Presbyterian Church on April 18, 2010 by Transfer of Letter from St. Stephen Presbyterian Church in Houston.

April Recycling News: If St. John’s can recycle 11 tons of paper this month, we will double our monthly earnings for April! Please bring your newspapers/inserts, catalogs, office paper, school paper, and folders to one of our five bins. Help St. John’s celebrate Earth Day, April 22, by increasing your amount of recycling.

Pennies for Peace: Bring your pennies (or any change) on Sunday, May 2. The pennies will be collected in the Narthex after church. The pennies help build schools in Afghanistan and Pakistan, schools where girls are welcome.

Braes Interfaith Ministries Web Site: BIM has launched its new web site at www.interfaithministries.com. Please take the time to look, paying special attention to the “Special Sales” under the Braes Resale and Consigment Store tab at the top of the page.

Special Education Advocacy Informational Session: Learn more about St. John’s Special Education Advocacy program. An informational session will be held on Monday, April 26, at Small Steps Nurturing Center (2902 Jenson Drive), 10 – 11:30 am. Contact Suzette Harrel for more information, suzharrel@comcast.net.

Presbytery Brown Bag Series, Wednesday, May 12: Everyone is invited to the Presbytery (1110 Lovett Blvd, 77006) at noon to hear Dennis Mark, director of Redeeming Ministries. Redeeming Ministries is the Houston arm of the Not For Sale campaign against human trafficking.

On Going Spanish/English Conversation Opportunity: Every Thursday, 1 – 2 pm, come to Small Steps Nuturing Center (2902 Jensen Drive) to learn some Spanish while helping others learn English. Contact Suzette Harrel for information.

Vacation Bible School: Mark your calendars for our 2010 VBS Sunday, June 20 through Thursday, June 24, starting at 6 pm. There will be programs for all ages.