Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Clerk's Corner

Your Session met on Saturday, January 19. The first meeting always requires certain housekeeping tasks:

● Elected Kathleeen Captain as Treasurer

● Elected Mary Herlitz as Clerk to Session

● Elected Libby Adams, Bill Ehrenstrom and Kathie Hartzog to the
2011 Nominating Committee

● Elected Tad Mulder to a 3-year-term as Trustee, class of 2013

● Elected David Wintersgill and Phyllis Freeman as Commissioners
for the February 5, Presbytery Meeting.

● Session received the resignation of Max Kattner and began the
necessary steps to fill the vacancy in the Class of 2012.

● Session will meet on the 2nd Wednesday of the month.

● Communion will be served the first Sunday of each month plus
Ash Wednesday (March 9.

● Anointing for healing services will be held on the fifth Sunday.