Monday, September 19, 2011

Weekly Reminders: September 25 News

Presbyterian Women’s Bible Study, September 20: All ladies are invited to Circles 1, 2 & 3. The lesson will be Greatly Honored Are the Poor from Matthew 5:3 and Luke 6:20, 24.

Presbyterian Women’s Bible Study, September 25: All ladies are invited to Sunday Circle Bible study at church at 12:30 pm.

Beacon Assemblers: Please come to Room 203 Tuesday, September 20, at 12:30 pm to help assemble the September/October Newsletter. No experience necessary.

Sign Up Today: New usher teams are forming for October, November, December and January. Sign up for first, second, third or fourth Sunday. Please speak to Connie Brown if you have any questions.

Children’s Choir, Fall 2011: Fall Children’s Choir rehearsals will begin Sunday, October 2. All children of elementary school age are encouraged to join Kyra Noons and Shirley Boyd in Room 209, 11:45 am – 12:15 pm.

Rev. Carlton (Cobbie) Palm: Next Sunday, Cobbie will preach and join us for a light lunch while telling us about the Philippines and his work there. He serves as Director of Spiritual Formation at Silliman University, founded by the Presbyterian Church in 1910.

SESSION HIGHLIGHTS of the Session meeting, September 13.
- The examination of Mary Sterner for ordination as an elder was sustained. Her installation date is September 18.
- Session approved the invitation to Rev. Carlton Palm, (PCUSA) Missionary, to preach on September 25.
- Session created a task force to organize the reception after the Community Thanksgiving Service on November 20.
- The Worship Committee reported the results of the Worship Survey to the Session. 64of the almost 300 surveys sent out were returned. The Worship Committee will provide Session with possible changes or ideas for the worship experience at the October meeting.
- It was reported that the Blood Drive on September 11 had 30 donors.
- The Session members were encouraged to attend the Presbytery Training Event FOCUS on October 1 at St. Philip Presbyterian Church. This is open to anyone, and Diane Prevary will introduce the new Book of Order. There is no cost for this event
but registration is requested on line or through our church office.