Tuesday, December 4, 2007
Braes Interfaith Ministries (BIM)
January is a time to focus on Braes Interfaith Ministries. You can support this ministry by:
1. Take home a grocery bag on January 6 and return a fulled bag to the church any Sunday during January.
2. Sign up between December 30 and January 6 to have our youth pick up your filled grocery bag on Sunday, January 13, between 5:30 pm and 6:30 pm as part of the PYF (Presbyterian Youth Fellowship) food scavenger hunt.
3. Put your 5 cents a meal contribution to the soup pot on SouperBowl Sunday (February 3). All amounts collected will go directly to BIM. In addition to the collection exiting the worship service on that Sunday, the youth will be serving soup will all donations going directly to BIM.
4. Make a monetary contribution to BIM anytime during January. With your contribution of $1.00 BIM can buy $20.00 worth of food from the Houston Food Bank.
1. Take home a grocery bag on January 6 and return a fulled bag to the church any Sunday during January.
2. Sign up between December 30 and January 6 to have our youth pick up your filled grocery bag on Sunday, January 13, between 5:30 pm and 6:30 pm as part of the PYF (Presbyterian Youth Fellowship) food scavenger hunt.
3. Put your 5 cents a meal contribution to the soup pot on SouperBowl Sunday (February 3). All amounts collected will go directly to BIM. In addition to the collection exiting the worship service on that Sunday, the youth will be serving soup will all donations going directly to BIM.
4. Make a monetary contribution to BIM anytime during January. With your contribution of $1.00 BIM can buy $20.00 worth of food from the Houston Food Bank.