Thursday, December 20, 2007

Invite a Friend on Christmas Eve

You are cordially invited to a Christmas Eve Service in the sanctuary of St. John's Presbyterian Church at 6:00 P.M. on December 24. This special service is designed for all ages and will include music by Alina Klimaszewska and Mark Swindler and a children's sermon by Lynn Hargrove. Come celebrate the birth of Christ our Lord as our young people read to us the Biblical stories and we respond with Christmas carols accompanied by organ, brass, piano and guitar. Jon Burnham will light the Christ candle and each person's candle will be lit from the Christ candle as we sing Away in Manger. The service will conclude in candle light as we sing Joy to the World. Christmas Eve is the one occasion during the year when unchurched folks are most likely to attend a church service. Come and bring with you an unchurched friend! Introduce them to St. John's during this meaningful and moving worship service.