Monday, December 17, 2007

CPR & Defibrillator Training— Saturday, January 5

St. John’s has purchased and installed two automatic electronic defibrillators (AEDs): one in the ushers’ closet in the narthex and the other in the storage closet in Building Two. These devices (along with CPR) are being credited with saving many lives — however people often hesitate to use them because they don’t know what they are, when they should be used or how to use them. Hesitation can cause brain damage or cost a life. We want to be sure our AEDs are used if the need ever arises.
In order to inform all St. Johners about these devices and basic CPR, Lindsey Sen-Roy of the Outreach Committee has arranged for the Junior League to hold a defibrillator instruction and CPR training at St. John’s on Saturday, January 5 immediately following the St. John’s breakfast program — 9:45 am in McPhail Hall. The entire instruction session will take about an hour. We strongly urge everyone to attend. It might be a matter of life or death.
P.S. Bring a friend or neighbor. AEDs are available for homes, and this is an outreach event.