Monday, December 17, 2007

Thirty Christmas Boxes Delivered

Thirty Christmas boxes were delivered to the Port of Houston Seafarer’s Center along with 68 knit hats and scarves. This year’s boxes were exceptionally full with the essentials: pair of work socks, shaving cream, disposable razors, deodorant, soap, shampoo, toothbrush and paste, 2008 calendar, paper and envelopes, and pens and pencils. Additionally each sailor received a flashlight, pocket comb, bandaids, dental floss, Kleenex, q-tips, lotion, lip balm, nail clippers, key chain, playing cards, note cards, and hard candy. The boxes were topped off with a game and a Texas scarf — then wrapped with Christmas paper.

Thanks to all who donated, and please keep this article so you know what to buy for next year! Bring donations anytime to the Recycle Center in Fellowship Hall. Port of Houston — Thank you