Thursday, December 27, 2007

December Session Highlights

The December 2007 Session Meeting was held on the 20th with all but three of the currently serving elders present and two of the incoming class of elders also attending. Barbara Brisch reported on the Nov. 13 presbytery Meeting and on the Dec. 11 called meeting.

Kay Greer was elected Clerk of Session for 2008.

A preliminary budget was presented by Dale Parker of Budget & Finance Committee, the final budget will be approved at the January Session Meeting. A Motion for a Change in the Call of Rev. Jon Burnham also passed.

"Dream budgets" will be presented by each Ministry Team early in the fall of 2008 to facilitate making the 2009 budget.

John Freeman for the Outreach Committee reminded everyone to mark their calendars with Jan 5, 13, 20, & 27. The first date is the AED & CPR demonstrations and the last three dates are potluck dinners in the Interfaith Dialogue Series.

Lynn Hargrove announced a Mardi Gras Party on Feb. 5 with music by the Johnny Dyson Band..

Announcements were Communion on Jan 6, Ordination and Installation of new elders, Jan. 13, Planning day for Committees (Ministry Teams) and Session Meeting on Jan. 19 with the Congregational Meeting on Jan. 20.
