Monday, July 12, 2010

Clerk’s Corner

Your Session met on June 30.

Brad Urquhart and Bill Ehrenstrom attended the Presbytery meeting at Northwoods on April 12. They heard Dr. Laura Mendenhall speak on “Growing the Church Deep and Wide.”

Jo Ann Golden and Kathleen Captain will attend the called meeting of Presbytery on July 18 to receive the report from General Assembly. This will be Kathleen’s first Presbytery meeting, and she is excited to see what is going to happen. Be sure to ask her about the meeting after the 18th. This is an opportunity to see the connectional church in action.

Any person is welcome to attend a presbytery meeting, whether you are the Commissioner or not. You may vote if you are a commissioner designated by your church session, a minister, a Christian educator, and those who have a vote by virtue of their office. You may listen to all discussions, speakers and take part in an always special worship service. As you know, the November Presbytery meeting will be at St. John’s, so in addition to helping facilitate the meeting, stay in the sanctuary and be a part of the PCUSA.

Continuing in our connectedness news, in the last two months Kathie Hartzog’s Africa trip and the Mustard Seed Project received money from New Covenant Presbytery. An invitation was extended to the Presbytery Women’s Spring Gathering in 2011
at St. John’s.

There are several ways to learn what is happening around our Presbytery and with the PCUSA. Each Tuesday you can receive the Tuesday Connect in your e-mail box just by going to the and clicking in the lower left corner on Tuesday Connect. You can also see information about the past, present and future presbytery meetings.
— Mary Herlitz, Clerk to Session